many anglers need for a robust method of enticing fish to where the
baited hook is laying. Constructed from top quality materials, the SALTWATER FEEDER will withstand the rigors of fishing rough ground, and with the
addition of the ‘Grip’ head from Gemini Tackle, the feeder can be used
in virtually every sea state, on the beach or uptiding from a boat with the Up tide inserts (Optional extra choose from dropdown)
Up tide Inserts.
Uptide inserts are intended for use from a boat, beach or pier and
enable the strong grip required for up tiding. They work by transferring
the weight back away from the grips giving greater HOLD on the sea bed,
so you can reduce the SALTWATER FEEDER weight but still have the same
gripping potential.
better still, don’t chuck away yesterday’s bait – take it home, place the bait in a blender or mincer and reduce to a pulp add some of our flavour attractors like PEELER CRAB, MACKEREL, SQUID, RAGWORM or even BLACK LUGWORM . Place the
pulp into the feeder capsule; re-fit to the main body – bag &
freeze. Cast your feeder while still frozen and this method will give
you about 15 – 20 minutes of steady scent trail. Feeder will hold
approximately 30gr.of pulp.
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